CPEDI3* Individual II (II Ch Ind)

International | Horse | Dressage
Saturday 19 March 2022
Sign in to follow riders and horses
H Marco Orsini
75.000 (1)
C Kristi Wysocki
72.206 (2)
B Ineke Jansen
73.088 (1)
73.431 (1)

Individual Test - Grade 2

Edition 2009, course , max points 340, time ca 5 min

  Keyword Coeff H C B
1 Halt 8 7.5 7
2 Medium walk 7 7 7.5
3 Circle 6 6.5 7
4 Volte 7 7 7.5
5 Medium walk 7 7 7.5
6 Halt ×2 9 8 8
7 Medium walk 7.5 8 7
8 Leg-yielding walk ×2 7.5 7.5 7
9 Working trot 7 7 7.5
10 Circle 7.5 8 7.5
11 Volte 7 6 7
12 Medium walk 7 7 7
13 Medium walk 7.5 8 7
14 Leg-yielding walk ×2 7 6.5 7
15 Trot transitions 7.5 7 7
16 Lengthened walk 7.5 7 7.5
17 Walk transitions 8 7 7
18 Serpentine 7.5 7.5 7.5
19 Walk transitions 7 7 7
20 Lengthened walk 7.5 7 7.5
21 Walk transitions 7.5 7 8
22 Trot transitions 7.5 7 7
23 Lengthened trot 7.5 7.5 7
24 Walk transitions 7.5 7.5 7
25 Halt 8.5 7.5 8.5
1 Paces 7.5 7.5 7
2 Activity 7.5 7 7
3 Submission ×2 7.5 7 7
4 Equestrian feel and skill of the athlete ×2 8 7.5 8
Technical deduction
Percent deduction