⚫ Children Team - Emmers Equestrian Shop

International | Horse | Dressage
Saturday 27 July 2024
Sign in to follow riders and horses
E Kjell Myhre
82.750 (10)
H Olivier Smeets
69.200 (14)
C Hans Voser
68.400 (18)
B Marlena Gruca Rucinska
66.200 (23)
75.342 (10)

Team Competition Test Children

Edition 2020, course , max points 250, time ca 3.92 min

  Keyword Coeff E H C B
1 Halt 8 7 7
2 Working trot 7 7.5 7
3 Medium trot 7.5 7.5 7
4 Trot transitions 7 7 6.5
5 Leg-yielding trot ×2 7.5 7.5 7
6 Half-circle ×2 6 6.5 6
7 Leg-yielding ×2 7 7 6.5
8 Half-circle 7 6.5 6.5
9 Walk turn on haunches ×2 6.5 7 6.5
10 Medium walk 6 6 6
11 Canter transitions 7 7 7
12 Medium canter 7 6.5 6.5
13 Canter transitions 6.5 6.5 6.5
14 Zig-zag 7 7 7.5
15 Simple change ×2 7 6.5 7
16 Zig-zag 7.5 7 7
17 Simple change ×2 6.5 6 5.5
18 Trot transitions 7 7 7
19 Halt 7.5 7.5 7
1 Rider's position and seat 8.6
2 Effectiveness of aids 8
3 Precision 8
4 General impression 8.5
Percent deduction
Percent deduction